Olympia – Greece
Awards in Greece
From days 2 to 5 of June has took place in Greece the Conference and AWARDS Meeting, the third that the OLEOCANTHAL INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY (OIS) has celebrated from its inceptions in 2015.
As Dr.Amérigo, the President of the OIS, says ” The OLEOCANTHAL and related phenols, the Extra Virgin Olive Oil and the Mediterranean Diet has more and more interest to medical and scientist world experts to study and promote as the best food and habits to be adapted at least in the western hemisphere to avoid chronic illness, cancer, Alzheimer or Cardiovascular Diseases”
In this International Conference participate more than 400 people, Producers, Experts, Scientists, Doctors, Chefs and Journalists from Greece, Spain, Tunisia, United States, Australia, Italy, Cyprus and Canada.
Among the speakers, Dan Flynn from UC Davis, California USA, Dr.Ramon Estruch, PREDIMED, Spain, Dr.Stefanos Kales, Harward School of Public Health, USA, Dr.Eric Tangalos, Mayo Clinic Rochester, USA, Dr.Magiatis, University of Athens, Dr.Feliciano Priego form the University of Córdoba,Spain, Dra Mary Flynn form Brown University, Ammal Kaddoumy, University of Lousianna, Dr.Li Li Ji, John Newman, USDA at Davis and Dr.Douglas Mashek, University of Minnesota USA, Dr.Mohamed Bouaziz, University of Tunisia, Dra Melliou and the Team of the Pharmacology Lab of the University of Athens.
The OIS celebrate as well a meeting of the new created TECHNICAL ANALYTIC Group (TAG), formed by Dr.Magiatis, Greece, Drs. Fernandez Bolaños (Seville) Priego (Córdoba) and JA TELLO (Jaén), Spain, plus Dra.Claudia Guillaume, from Australia. The purpose of this meeting was to coordinate the several analytical trials and to extract the results that can be offered to the Producers to achieve the best EVOO in the coming Harvest season.
After the two days Conferences the time of Rewarding the best efforts in Research, EVOO Production, Gastronomic, Biomedical and Master Mill AWARDS took place.
To OIS receive 48 candidates and finally they selected 30, 15 Diplomas (Gold, Silver and Bronze) and 15 AWARDS (Gold, Silver,Bronze).
Molino de Zafra, Badajoz receives a Gold AWARD in the Cathegory of Best EVOO PRODUCER in supporting Gastronomical Research and a Second Silver AWARD in the Cathegory of Biomedical Research.
Castillo de Canena, Jaén, got a Silver AWARD for its efforts in developing new Gastronomical patterns as EVOO Producer.
The Grupo HORECA, Málaga and the Gastrolive Lab of Daniel Garcia Peinado, got the Bronze AWARD to the best Group/Institution/Person
LaSolana2, from Almeria, got another bronze AWARD for its collaboration in Biomedical Research
And finally GONZALO PIN from Oli Oli Biodinamico, Requena, Valencia, got the AWARD to the best Master of Mill interested in a proven Health EVOO.
Other Spanish Producers, Institutions and personalities got their Diplomas. The Department of Dermatology at the COSTA DEL SOL Hospital in Marbella, The CENTRO DE INTERPRETACION DEL OLIVAR Y ACEITE,from Ubeda, Casas de Hualdo,(Toledo) Palacio de los Olivos (Ciudad Real), Oleicola Jaén (Baeza,Jaén) , Carcabuey Health Venture,(Córdoba) Cortijo del Espíritu Santo and Pagos de Toral (Úbeda,Jaén)
The Board of the OIS, create an Special AWARD for rewarding the “Outstanding efforts made by the Laboratory of Physiology, Hygiene and Exercise Science in the Seven Countries Project that gives as a result the inception of the Mediterranean Diet” at the University of Minnesota, founded by Dr.Ancel Keys and directed nowadays by Dr.Li Li Ji.
The Special AWARD is a reproduction of the most known monument of the Olympia city in Greece, a very nice and special sculpture made by the Jewllery of Málaga, Andrés Olivares as the rest of the AWARDS that symbolize in a Doric Column, the principles of the OIS, Health, Olive and Food.
Issued by the OIS as the needs to have Oleocanthal extract for Research, gives as a result more than 500 EVOO samples from different countries, Greece, Cyprus, Croatia, Italy, Morocco, Tunisia, Spain and Uruguay. The winner of the Contest was THE GOVERNOR from Corfu Island in Greece th (a Lanolia variety) and from Spain the 5 th and 6 international places correspond to ACEITES JUVENTUD, (Cornicabra, Ciudad Real) and Oli Oli Biodinamico, Picual, (Requena Valencia). Others Spanish among the first TEN international were MOLINO DE ZAFRA (Badajoz), CASAS DE HUALDO(Toledo), LA ALQUERIA (Alicante) and JACOLIVA (Cáceres).